Hello, I'm GroupBee


Customer Dashboard
Admin Dashboard
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Customer Dashboard

  • Information about the current status of membership
  • Cancel and join
  • Enter billing address
  • Payment with Stripe

Admin Dashboard

  • Connection to your accounting
    • SevDesk
    • LexOffice
    • Email
  • Connection to Stripe
  • Store your company data
  • Store your group logo
  • Store your legal texts
  • Membership management
  • Voucher code management

Release Management

  • Create releases to allow new members to join
  • Assign a number of slots to a release to cap the release
  • A release creates a secret link that can be distributed to join the group


  • Invoice generation for all your group members
  • Distinction between business and private customers when generating invoices
  • Upload the invoices to your accounting software

High availability

  • Highly available deployment in the Cloud
  • Container-based application
  • MultiCluster deployment

WordPress integration (Pro)

With our WordPress plugin you can integrate a protected area on your website that can only be viewed by your group members.

About GroupBee

With our Discord management solution GroupBee, you can fully concentrate on the core business of your group. Instead of dealing with onboarding new members, terminating them or even removing them from the group in the event of late payment and then blocking them, you can primarily focus on the further development and content creation of your group.

Each of your members can find out about the current status of their membership on a dashboard or cancel it. Once membership ends, the user will automatically be removed from your group. As a group owner, you can use so-called release management to release new slots for your group. Potential new members then receive a dashboard via a protected link where they can join your group. Before joining, the billing address must be stored so that the user can be clearly identified and an invoice can be generated. The dashboard is multilingual and allows your customer to choose from German or English.

As the owner of the group, you can view all information in a protected area. There you can customize your GroupBee appearance and manage your releases and members. As the owner of the group, you have the option of removing non-paying customers from the group with one click and preventing re-entry. ustomers whose payment has failed are presented to you visually in your Admin Dashboard.
In order to make payments as simple and easy as possible for you and your customers, we have integrated Stripe as a payment provider. It is therefore completely up to you which payment methods you want to offer your customers. In addition to the classic credit card, it is also possible to have a direct debit. You can easily configure your connection to Stripe in your Admin Dashboard. You can also store your terms and conditions, your cancellation policy, your imprint, your privacy policy and your logo.

In addition to the day-to-day group management tasks, GroupBee also takes care of the unpopular and tedious work of billing for you. We generate automated monthly invoices for your customers and upload them to your accounting software. We also distinguish whether your customer is a private or business customer. You can also configure the connection to your accounting software in your Admin Dashboard.

What our customers say


Pay as you grow



/ from group turnover / Month*



/ Month*

*Net excl. MwSt + Stripe Fees

Start now and focus 100% on the core of your business. GroupBee will do the rest for you.